location:Home > 2023 Vol.6 Aug.N04 > Exploring the Teaching Reform of Principles and Applications of Blockchain Technology Course

2023 Vol.6 Aug.N04

  • Title: Exploring the Teaching Reform of Principles and Applications of Blockchain Technology Course
  • Name: Wangxia Xia,Caofang Long
  • Company: University of Sanya,Sanya,572000 China
  • Abstract:

    As the application scenarios of blockchain technology gradually expand, there is an increasing demand for skilled personnel in this field. However, most of the current principles and applications of blockchain technology course are still at the stage of theoretical knowledge acquisition, ignoring the improvement of students' practical application abilities. Based on this, this article proposes a practical teaching-based reform plan for principles and applications of blockchain technology course. The plan includes multiple aspects such as course content design, teaching mode design, practical operation settings, and updated evaluation methods, with the aim of improving students' comprehensive quality and skills level.

  • Keyword: Practice; blockchain technology; curriculum reform
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2023090616
  • Citation form: Wangxia Xia.Exploring the Teaching Reform of Principles and Applications of Blockchain Technology Course [J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System,2023,Vol.6,pp.69-72



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