location:Home > 2023 Vol.6 Oct.N05 > Promoting English Pronunciationvia Mobile Learning Technologies

2023 Vol.6 Oct.N05

  • Title: Promoting English Pronunciationvia Mobile Learning Technologies
  • Name: Qiusheng Hu, Shan Chen ,Zhenyu Lai
  • Company: Science and Technology College of Nanchang University, Gong Qing,332000 China
  • Abstract:

    As one of the international languages at present, English is used by a large number of people all over the world. As English majors often take the jobs involving using English in cross-cultural communication or in English teaching after graduation, they are encouraged to pay more attention to their English pronunciation. Good English pronunciation can improve their cross-cultural communication abilities. It will also help to improve China's image in the world. However, in the current higher education system in China, English teachers and students do not pay enough attention to English phonetics. Students always pay more attention to the written test results. Some English majors still have poor English pronunciation. Fortunately, with the rapid development of mobile learning technology (MLT) in China, many mobile learning apps are designed to improve learners’ English pronunciation. This paper reports on an exploratory study investigating the efficiency of mobile learning technologies used in English pronunciation learning. This study analyzes the use of such apps as Superstar Learning, English Fun Dubbing and Bilibili in English phonetics teaching and learning at a college in China. In this six-month experiment, 213 English majors were involved. The result tells us that under regular supervision, with immediate feedback from teachers both online and offline, these MLT-based apps help students to improve their English pronunciation. 

  • Keyword: Superstar Learning, English Fun Dubbing, Bilibili, English pronunciation, Mobile Learning Technology, MALL
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2023090705
  • Citation form: Qiusheng Hu.Promoting English Pronunciationvia Mobile Learning Technologies [J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System,2023,Vol.6,pp.18-25


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