location:Home > 2023 Vol.6 Oct.N05 > The Application of Computer Technology in Online and Offline Integrated Teaching of Physical Education in Universities

2023 Vol.6 Oct.N05

  • Title: The Application of Computer Technology in Online and Offline Integrated Teaching of Physical Education in Universities
  • Name: Hairong Ding
  • Company: Shanghai Polytechnic University,Shanghai,201209,China
  • Abstract:

     With the arrival of the era of Big data, college physical education is also facing new challenges and opportunities. Starting from the challenges faced by the existing college sports teaching, this paper discusses the impact of Big data on college sports teaching, and analyzes the shortcomings of the existing college sports teaching information management. On this basis, strategies for informationization management of physical education teaching in universities under the background of big data were proposed, including strengthening teaching resource sharing, scientific and reasonable teaching evaluation, and standardized teaching management. Through the implementation of these strategies, computer technology can be better applied to improve teaching quality and efficiency in online and offline integrated teaching of physical education in universities.

  • Keyword: Computer technology; College physical education; Online; Offline; Integrated teaching
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2023090712
  • Citation form: Hairong Ding.The Application of Computer Technology in Online and Offline Integrated Teaching of Physical Education in Universities [J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System,2023,Vol.6,pp.55-58


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