location:Home > 2019 VOL.2 Apr No.2 > Distributed Database Query Optimization Based on Genetic Algorithm

2019 VOL.2 Apr No.2

  • Title: Distributed Database Query Optimization Based on Genetic Algorithm
  • Name: Alice Johnson
  • Company: Taylor’s University, Selangor Malaysia
  • Abstract:

    In order to improve the performance of distributed database query optimization, an improved query optimization algorithm based on genetic algorithm is proposed. A query execution cost model based on genetic algorithm is proposed. Distributed database is the emergence of the 1970s, with advances in computer technology and network technology developed, is physically dispersed storage, database systems on mathematical logic centralized processing. Since the storage point is not unified, distributed database structure centralized database is much more complex than that. In query simulation, genetic algorithm and dynamic exhaustive programming algorithm are used to compare performance. The results showed that the genetic query optimization proposed method has better performance in a distributed database query applications. Case studies and simulation results show that the algorithm can obtain satisfactory results in several iterative optimization and query optimization algorithm has good performance attributes of query optimization based on genetic methods to reduce consumption and costs and queries to a minimum. The proposed method has good application performance, has some practical value.

  • Keyword: distributed database, query optimization, genetic algorithm
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2019020113
  • Citation form: Alice Johnson.Distributed Database Query Optimization Based on Genetic Algorithm[J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System, 2019, vol. 2, pp. 6-11.

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