location:Home > 2023 Vol.6 Oct.N05 > Information management strategy of college sports teaching in the context of Big data

2023 Vol.6 Oct.N05

  • Title: Information management strategy of college sports teaching in the context of Big data
  • Name: Yihan Ma
  • Company: Shanghai Polytechnic University,Shanghai,201209,China
  • Abstract:

     In the context of Big data, college sports teaching informatization management is facing a series of challenges and opportunities. At present, there are problems in the information management of physical education teaching in universities, such as insufficient sharing of teaching resources, unscientific teaching evaluation, and non-standard teaching management. However, the application of Big data has brought more information and data to college physical education teaching, and provided management and decision support. In order to give full play to the advantages of Big data, colleges and universities can adopt strategies such as strengthening the sharing of teaching resources, scientific and reasonable teaching evaluation, standardized teaching management, personalized learning support, data driven teaching improvement and teacher professional development support. These strategies will help optimize the quality and effectiveness of physical education teaching in universities, meet the personalized learning needs of students, and promote the common progress of the entire teaching team.

  • Keyword: Big data; Universities; Physical education teaching; Information management
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2023090713
  • Citation form: Yihan Ma.Information management strategy of college sports teaching in the context of Big data[J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System,2023,Vol.6,pp.59-62


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