location:Home > 2023 Vol.6 Dec.N06 > Research on the sustainability of information management in machinery manufacturing enterprises

2023 Vol.6 Dec.N06

  • Title: Research on the sustainability of information management in machinery manufacturing enterprises
  • Name: Ren Yi1*, Pan Zhixi2, Zhong Yixue3, Zou Qinwen4, Zhang Yakun5, L
  • Company: 1School of Logistics Management and Engineering, Zhuhai College of Science and Technology, Zhuhai, 519040, China 2School of Business, Zhuhai College of Science and Technology, Zhuhai,519040, China 3School of Finance and Trade, Zhuhai College of Science an
  • Abstract:

     The machinery manufacturing industry is vital to China's national economy. Today, with the continuous development of intelligent manufacturing, the level of information construction of the traditional machinery manufacturing industry appears to be very backward. Therefore, in this context, promoting enterprise informatisation has become an essential part of enterprise development planning by briefly introducing the development status of the machinery manufacturing industry, analysing the importance of intelligent manufacturing in machinery manufacturing enterprises, and putting forward practical measures to accelerate the construction of industry informatisation to promote enterprises' stable development.

  • Keyword: Machinery manufacturing enterprises; Information management; Sustainability; Stable development; Intelligent manufacturing;
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2023090807
  • Citation form: Ren Yi.Research on the sustainability of information management in machinery manufacturing enterprises [J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System,2023,Vol.6,pp.32-36

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