location:Home > 2023 Vol.6 Dec.N06 > Analysis on the Deficiency and Realization of Moral Education Function of Ideological and Political Courses under the Background

2023 Vol.6 Dec.N06

  • Title: Analysis on the Deficiency and Realization of Moral Education Function of Ideological and Political Courses under the Background
  • Name: Lei Li
  • Company: The High School Affiliated To Shaanxi Normal University,Xi’an, 710061,China
  • Abstract:

     In the context of Internet plus, there may be some deficiencies in the moral education function of high school ideological and political courses, mainly including the problem of selectivity of the educated, the problem of fragmentation of the Internet and the problem of weakening interaction. To address these issues, various teaching methods, strengthened interaction and feedback mechanisms, strengthened practice and application links, and guided correct use of the Internet can be adopted to achieve the moral education function of high school ideological and political courses.

  • Keyword: Internet plus background; Ideological and political courses; Moral education function;
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2023090811
  • Citation form: Lei Li.Analysis on the Deficiency and Realization of Moral Education Function of Ideological and Political Courses under the Background of Internet plus [J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System,2023,Vol.6,pp.49-53


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