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2023 Vol.6 Dec.N06

  • Title: Unsupervised Manifold Adversarial Domain Adaptation Network for Tumor image diagnosis
  • Name: Shunmin Wang1,2, Qingyu Peng3*, Bo Zhou1,2, Tingting Yang1,2, Fu
  • Company: 1School of Information & Intelligence Engineering, University of Sanya, Sanya, 572022, China 2Academician Guoliang Chen Team Innovation Center, University of Sanya, Sanya, 572022, China 3School of computer science and technology, Hainan Tropical Ocean Uni
  • Abstract:

    When there are no labeled samples or few labeled samples, the model constructed by machine learning is prone to over fitting, poor expression ability and poor generalization. Domain adaptation can realize the adaptation from rich label source domain to unlabeled target domain, which is the inevitable choice to solve the above problems. In this paper, a unsupervised manifold adversarial domain adaptation network is proposed. Firstly, the pre-trained model of the source domain data is used as the initialization parameter of the model, and then the domain differences between the target domain and the source domain are effectively reduced through the competition between the discriminator and the feature extractor. Embedding manifold learning can effectively reduce the intra-class differences, so that the distance between the data of the same category is gradually reduced to further data alignment, this assist the process of adversarial learning and play the role of adversarial learning in a greater extent. The simulation results on tumor data set show the effectiveness of the method, which to some extent reduces the cost of hardware resources.

  • Keyword: Domain adaptation; Adversarial learning; Unsupervised learning; Manifold alignment; Transfer learning.
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2023090814
  • Citation form: Shunmin Wang.Unsupervised Manifold Adversarial Domain Adaptation Network for Tumor image diagnosis [J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System,2023,Vol.6,pp.65-70



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