location:Home > 2023 Vol.6 Dec.N06 > Research and Practice on the Construction of Digital Curriculum Resources under the Background of Smart Teaching

2023 Vol.6 Dec.N06

  • Title: Research and Practice on the Construction of Digital Curriculum Resources under the Background of Smart Teaching
  • Name: Jing Chen
  • Company: Academic Affairs and Scientific Research Office, Zhengzhou Sias University, Xinzheng , Henan, 451150,China
  • Abstract:

    The construction and application of digital course resources in the context of smart teaching is of great significance for improving teaching effectiveness, achieving personalized learning, and promoting teacher professional development. This article explores the significance, existing problems, and countermeasures of digital course resource construction through a comprehensive analysis of relevant theories and practical cases. Research has found that in the construction of digital course resources, it is necessary to follow the guidance of educational and teaching concepts, pay attention to students' needs, meet teaching requirements, and provide technical support and guarantees. At the same time, the construction of digital course resources also faces issues such as insufficient technical equipment, resource selection and quality control, student privacy, and information security. To address these issues, some countermeasures are proposed, such as improving technical equipment and basic conditions, strengthening resource management and quality assessment, protecting student privacy, and providing teacher training. Through these efforts, we can promote the development of digital course resource construction, further improve the quality of education, and promote educational reform and innovation.

  • Keyword: Smart teaching; Digitization; Curriculum resource construction; Research on Curriculum Resources
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2023090815
  • Citation form: Jing Chen.Research and Practice on the Construction of Digital Curriculum Resources under the Background of Smart Teaching [J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System,2023,Vol.6,pp.71-74


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