location:Home > 2019 VOL.2 Apr No.2 > Agricultural Product Quality Tracking System Design

2019 VOL.2 Apr No.2

  • Title: Agricultural Product Quality Tracking System Design
  • Name: Li Wang
  • Company: Tel Aviv University,Tel Aviv-Yafo State of Israel
  • Abstract:

    Quality traceability is an important way to improve customer satisfaction and improve company reputation. The amount of agricultural product quality tracking data collected is huge, and the traditional tracking method is inefficient in use and high in error rate. To solve this problem, according to the principle characteristics of RFID technology and the fast mirror imaging, build quality tracking system, the quality of the technology applied to a particular track, not only increases the speed of data acquisition, but also reduces the error rate.

  • Keyword: agricultural products; quality tracking; quality safety
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2019020115
  • Citation form: Li Wang.Agricultural Product Quality Tracking System Design[J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System, 2019, vol. 2, pp. 19-21.

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