location:Home > 2023 Vol.6 Dec.N06 > Research on Data Security Compliance Risk Investigation and Legal Countermeasures in the Background of Digital Economy

2023 Vol.6 Dec.N06

  • Title: Research on Data Security Compliance Risk Investigation and Legal Countermeasures in the Background of Digital Economy
  • Name: Huijun Cao1 ,WangPeng2*
  • Company: 1.Beijing Yingke (Shenzhen) Law Firm,  Shenzhen  158000,China 2.Shenzhen Haoyu Hanhai Technology Co., Ltd, Shenzhen  158000,China
  • Abstract:

    This study explores the investigation and legal countermeasures of data security compliance risks in the context of the digital economy. With the rapid development of the digital economy, the value of data is becoming increasingly prominent, but it is also accompanied by an increase in data security and compliance risks. In order to effectively address these risks, this study starts with investigating existing data security compliance risks and proposes corresponding legal countermeasures to ensure the sustainable and healthy development of the digital economy.

  • Keyword: Under the background of digital economy; Data security; Compliance; Risk investigation; Law; Countermeasure research
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2023090818
  • Citation form: Huijun Cao.Research on Data Security Compliance Risk Investigation and Legal Countermeasures in the Background of Digital Economy [J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System,2023,Vol.6,pp.86-89


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Tsuruta Institute of Medical Information Technology
Address:[502,5-47-6], Tsuyama, Tsukuba, Saitama, Japan TEL:008148-28809 fax:008148-28808 Japan,Email:jpciams@hotmail.com,2019-09-16