location:Home > 2024 Vol.7 Feb.N01 > Research and application of single sign-on technology for energy enterprises

2024 Vol.7 Feb.N01

  • Title: Research and application of single sign-on technology for energy enterprises
  • Name: Sha Qihao, Hu Wenjuan, Chen Guangtuo
  • Company: CNOOC Group Co., LTD., Beijing, 100022
  • Abstract:

    the construction of the digital transformation of enterprise information system with independent user library and user authentication system, this will lead to users use inconvenience and potential security risks, therefore, unified user authentication, single sign-on concept and technology arises at the historic moment, in this paper, through the study of these technologies, elaborated the principle of single sign-on, compare the advantages and disadvantages of the mainstream single sign-on technology at home and abroad, combined with the characteristics of their own technical route selection, and according to the selection of the technical route in the system, build demonstration scenario for subsequent large-scale promotion of reference. 

  • Keyword: single sign-on; unified identity authentication; access control; SPNEGO; ADFS
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2024090206
  • Citation form: Sha Qihao.Research and application of single sign-on technology for energy enterprises [J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System,2024,Vol.7,pp.23-27


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