location:Home > 2024 Vol.7 Feb.N01 > Exploration of High Quality Development Path for Large Sports Venues in the Era of Big Data

2024 Vol.7 Feb.N01

  • Title: Exploration of High Quality Development Path for Large Sports Venues in the Era of Big Data
  • Name: Xu Fan,Qin Liu,Luyao Zhang,Jiaxin He,Hengshuo Cui
  • Company: Xi’an Peihua University,Xi’an,Shaanxi,710125,China
  • Abstract:

    With the rapid development of technology, the era of big data has arrived, bringing profound impacts to various industries, including the sports industry and large sports venues. This article explores the application and high-quality development path of large sports venues in the era of big data, in order to enhance audience experience and promote the development of the sports industry. Firstly, the characteristics and trends of the big data era were analyzed, as well as the importance and current situation of large sports venues. Then, the application of big data in operational management and audience experience was introduced, and how to use big data technology to improve operational management efficiency and audience satisfaction was discussed. Subsequently, the challenges and issues faced were pointed out, such as privacy and security issues, technical challenges in data processing and protection, as well as regulatory and regulatory deficiencies. Finally, the exploration of high-quality development paths was proposed, including strengthening the construction of technology and data infrastructure, establishing industry standards and norms, strengthening data security and management, and enhancing talent cultivation and professional management. By applying big data technology reasonably, it can promote the sustainable development of large sports venues, enhance audience experience, and promote the prosperity of the sports industry.

  • Keyword: In the era of big data; Large sports venues; High quality development; Path exploration;
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2024090212
  • Citation form: Xu Fan.Exploration of High Quality Development Path for Large Sports Venues in the Era of Big Data [J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System,2024,Vol.7,pp.53-57


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