location:Home > 2024 Vol.7 Feb.N01 > Research on Online Improvement Strategies for Respecting Individualized Differences in Music Rhythm Perception Skills

2024 Vol.7 Feb.N01

  • Title: Research on Online Improvement Strategies for Respecting Individualized Differences in Music Rhythm Perception Skills
  • Name: Xuelian Wang
  • Company: Sichuan Minzu College,  Kangding   626001 China
  • Abstract:

    Music, as an important component of human life, plays a crucial role in music learning and performance through rhythm perception techniques. However, the impact of individualized differences on music rhythm perception techniques has not been fully studied. This study explores the impact of individual differences on music rhythm perception and proposes corresponding online learning strategies to promote personalized development of music learning. Through in-depth research on the impact of individual differences on music rhythm perception skills, this study aims to lead music education towards a more intelligent and personalized direction, and provide more targeted and efficient online learning strategies for music rhythm perception skills for music learners.

  • Keyword: Respect individualized differences; Music rhythm; Perception skills; Online;
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2024090213
  • Citation form: Xuelian Wang.Research on Online Improvement Strategies for Respecting Individualized Differences in Music Rhythm Perception Skills [J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System,2024,Vol.7,pp.58-61

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