location:Home > 2024 Vol.7 Feb.N01 > A Study on Improving the Translation Ability of Spanish Majors under the Background of the Internet

2024 Vol.7 Feb.N01

  • Title: A Study on Improving the Translation Ability of Spanish Majors under the Background of the Internet
  • Name: Feng LI, Yuhan Zhao
  • Company: Politechnical university of Valencia, Spain, Valencia,46022
  • Abstract:

    With the rapid development of the Internet, the translation industry is also facing unprecedented changes and challenges. Especially in the Spanish speaking field, the translation needs under the background of the Internet are showing a trend of diversification and complexity. The aim of this study is to explore the impact and strategies of the Internet on traditional Spanish translation and the improvement of translation skills among Spanish major students. Firstly, the impact of the Internet on the traditional Spanish translation industry was analyzed, including the development of machine translation technology and the impact of free information access on the translation market. Secondly, in response to the challenges in the context of the Internet era, some strategies have been proposed to improve the translation ability of Spanish major students. Tools such as online dictionaries, translation software, corpora, online courses, translation communities, and language exchange platforms are used to assist Spanish major students in learning and translating, while increasing practical opportunities for students and encouraging them to engage in industry internships, Enhance students' translation abilities through multimedia learning and interdisciplinary integration. Through the discussion of the above content, the importance and possible development directions of improving the translation ability of Spanish majors in the context of the Internet era have been summarized.

  • Keyword: Internet; Spanish major; Students; Translation ability; Ability improvement;
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2024090214
  • Citation form: Feng LI.A Study on Improving the Translation Ability of Spanish Majors under the Background of the Internet [J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System,2024,Vol.7,pp.62-66

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