location:Home > 2024 Vol.7 Apr.N02 > Design and implementation of student micro-expression recognition system based on convolutional neural network

2024 Vol.7 Apr.N02

  • Title: Design and implementation of student micro-expression recognition system based on convolutional neural network
  • Name: Yiqin Liu, Qainzhi Ma, Changwu Ou, Jie Rao, Yixuan Ma, Baozhu
  • Company: Yunnan Open University, Yunnan Defense Industry Vocational and Technical School, Kunming,650500 China
  • Abstract:

     The research on classroom micro-expression recognition based on convolutional neural networks uses computer vision, deep learning and other technologies to automate and accurately identify, classify and analyze students' expressions in class. Compared with the traditional video image based student behavior recognition method, this method can identify student behavior more accurately and quickly, and greatly reduce the errors caused by light, Angle, occlusion and other factors. In this paper, the model is trained on the self-built data set face_class based on VGG16 network, and the training accuracy is higher and the application effect is better.

  • Keyword: VGG16 micro-expression recognition convolutional neural network
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2024090305
  • Citation form: Yiqin Liu.Design and implementation of student micro-expression recognition system based on convolutional neural network [J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System,2024,Vol.7,pp.20-22

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