location:Home > 2024 Vol.7 Apr.N02 > Parameter estimation for stochastic heat equation

2024 Vol.7 Apr.N02

  • Title: Parameter estimation for stochastic heat equation
  • Name: hongsheng qi
  • Company: Department of Mathematics, College of Science, Bengbu University 1866 Caoshan Rd., Bengbu 233030, China
  • Abstract:

    Stochastic thermal equation is a kind of partial differential equation describing the heat conduction process of physical system, and the accurate estimation of its parameters is the key to many engineering and scientific applications. However, due to the randomness and complexity of the equation, parameter estimation faces many challenges. Therefore, this paper analyzes the parameter estimation of stochastic heat equation. Gaussian white noise is transformed into discrete observation form by mathematical model, and quasi-likelihood estimation is constructed based on observation data. According to the consistency and asymptotic normality of the estimation, the estimation gradually approaches the real parameters, and its distribution will approach the normal distribution. The parameter estimation of stochastic thermal equation provides an effective method to deal with spatial Gaussian white noise, which is helpful to solve practical problems in related fields.

  • Keyword: Gaussian white noise; Stochastic heat equation; Discrete space observations; Quasi-likelihood estimators; Asymptotic normality
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2024090309
  • Citation form: hongsheng qi .Parameter estimation for stochastic heat equation [J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System,2024,Vol.7,pp.37-41

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