location:Home > 2024 Vol.7 Apr.N02 > Influence of physical properties and constitutions of soil on the laser induced fluorescence spectra of PAHs in soil

2024 Vol.7 Apr.N02

  • Title: Influence of physical properties and constitutions of soil on the laser induced fluorescence spectra of PAHs in soil
  • Name: Xiaokang Wang1*, Deshuo Meng2
  • Company: 1.CSCEC 8TH Division Environmental Technology CO.,LTD,Shanghai 200000,China 2. Huainan Normal University, Huainan 232038,China
  • Abstract:

    The PAHs in soil have brought a huge environmental risk. The laser induced fluorescence can realize the rapid and on-site detection of organic pollutants, while the physical and chemical properties of soil have a great impact on the LIF spectrum of the soil, which hasn’t been revealed. Therefore, this paper studied the effect of soil solid and liquid components, soil moisture, porosity, etc. on the spectrum of PAHs in soil. The results showed that soil porosity, particle size did not affect the stability of soil fluorescence spectrum intensity. But the soil moisture had a much greater influence on soil fluorescence spectrum intensity. When the soil moisture was low, the fluorescence intensity was positively correlated to the humidity. The primary minerals and secondary minerals in the soil did not affect the soil fluorescence, but the type and concentration of humus in the soil had a great influence on the fluorescence intensity of the pollutants. The extreme difference analysis of orthogonal experiment showed that, the effect of humic acid is greater than that of fulvic acid. In addition, the contents of heavy metal elements in soil did not affect the spectral intensity of thorium. The results show that the effect of soil physical and chemical properties cannot be ignored when using laser induced fluorescence technology to detect organic pollutants in soil. For different soil types, the lower the content of humus, the lower the detection limit of anthracene. This paper provides an important reference for the LIF measurement of PAHs in soil.

  • Keyword: Laser induced fluorescence, PAHs, Soil physicochemical properties, Soil fluorescence
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2024090311
  • Citation form: Xiaokang Wang.Influence of physical properties and constitutions of soil on the laser induced fluorescence spectra of PAHs in soil [J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System,2024,Vol.7,pp.46-52

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