location:Home > 2024 Vol.7 Apr.N02 > Python Programming Teaching Platform Based on Cloud Computing Technology

2024 Vol.7 Apr.N02

  • Title: Python Programming Teaching Platform Based on Cloud Computing Technology
  • Name: Xiaoyu Zhang
  • Company: Liaoning University of Techunology , School of Electronics &Information Engineering ,Jinzhou , 121001, China.
  • Abstract:

    Restricted by hardware resources as well as teaching environment and other factors, python program design teaching platform usually lacks effective hardware group support, resulting in poor teaching effect. In this regard, a python program design teaching platform based on cloud computing technology is proposed. Firstly, distributed computing architecture is used as the core of python program design teaching platform. By deploying multiple high-performance servers, a computing cluster is formed to support a large number of users to learn and practice online at the same time. Then the user interest network is constructed by analyzing the user's interaction behavior and dynamically transformed interaction relationships, and on the basis of which the user interest degree is calculated by combining the node interaction data. Finally, multiple virtual machines with interactive relationships and close associations are formed into a migration group, and the resource overhead model is utilized to find a target server that meets the requirements and push the python teaching resources. In the experiments, the proposed method is verified for actual operational performance. By comparing the experimental results, it is clear that the python program design teaching platform constructed by the method of this paper has a higher data throughput per unit time, and has a more ideal operation effect.

  • Keyword: cloud computing technology; teaching platform; teaching resources; python teaching;
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2024090314
  • Citation form: Xiaoyu Zhang.Python Programming Teaching Platform Based on Cloud Computing Technology [J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System,2024,Vol.7,pp.61-65

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