location:Home > 2024 Vol.7 Apr.N02 > Early Warning of Public Opinion Crisis in Cluster Enterprises Based on Dynamic Network Relationship Combination

2024 Vol.7 Apr.N02

  • Title: Early Warning of Public Opinion Crisis in Cluster Enterprises Based on Dynamic Network Relationship Combination
  • Name: Xiaoyu Zhang
  • Company: Liaoning University of Techunology , School of Electronics &Information Engineering ,Jinzhou , 121001, China.
  • Abstract:

    Due to the complexity of the factors affecting corporate public opinion crisis and the nonlinear correlation between the factors, the lack of effective extraction of crisis information usually leads to poor warning accuracy when warning public opinion crisis. In this regard, we propose an early warning method for public opinion crisis of cluster enterprises based on dynamic network relationship combination. First, by analyzing the crisis evolution mechanism, a universal network public opinion crisis early warning system for enterprises is established. Then, a crisis early warning model is constructed by combining the dynamic network relationship combination to extract the corporate public opinion information. Finally, we analyze the frequency of "database data and microblog crawling data" of all the research sample indicators and cluster similar events to obtain the criteria for determining the warning level of sub-dimension indicators of online public opinion. In the experiments, the proposed method was verified for its practical application. By comparing the experimental results, it is clear that the Spearman's correlation coefficient is closer to 1 when the method of this paper is used to determine the crisis level of corporate public opinion, which has a more ideal warning accuracy.

  • Keyword: dynamic network relationship portfolio; corporations; public opinion crisis; early warning methods;
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2024090319
  • Citation form: Xiaoyu Zhang.Early Warning of Public Opinion Crisis in Cluster Enterprises Based on Dynamic Network Relationship Combination [J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System,2024,Vol.7,pp.91-95


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