location:Home > 2024 Vol.7 Jun.N03 > Research on the Improvement and Development Strategies of General Aviation Emergency Rescue System

2024 Vol.7 Jun.N03

  • Title: Research on the Improvement and Development Strategies of General Aviation Emergency Rescue System
  • Name: wenjin Shen 1,ying He2
  • Company: 1.Tianfu New Area General AviationProfessionAcademy, Chengdu,610222,China 2.Sichuan Xinke Senor Technical School of Metropolitan Transportation, Chengdu,611730,China
  • Abstract:

    In order to ensure the flight safety and passenger rights of general aviation, this study explores the improvement and development strategies of the emergency rescue system for general aviation. By evaluating the existing problems and challenges in the system, propose measures such as establishing guidelines and standards, enhancing rescue capabilities, strengthening information and collaboration platform construction, and ensuring funding and resource support. Considering the challenges of implementing countermeasures in the legal and policy environment, organizational management mechanisms, and financial resource protection, this provides reference and suggestions for the healthy development of the future general aviation emergency rescue system.

  • Keyword: General aviation; Emergency rescue system; Perfect system; System development strategies;
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2024090608
  • Citation form: wenjin Shen.Research on the Improvement and Development Strategies of General Aviation Emergency Rescue System[J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System,2024,Vol.7,pp.35-38


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