location:Home > 2024 Vol.7 Jun.N03 > Utilizing big data analysis to optimize the allocation of teaching resources and promote the comprehensive development of studen

2024 Vol.7 Jun.N03

  • Title: Utilizing big data analysis to optimize the allocation of teaching resources and promote the comprehensive development of studen
  • Name: DongHua Xu,An Wei,JunFa Chen,ShengShan Zhu,PengWu Chen
  • Company: Guangzhou Maritime Universit Experimental Center ,GuangZhou510725, China.
  • Abstract:

    With the rapid development of big data technology, the education sector has also begun to use big data analysis to optimize the allocation of teaching resources, in order to promote the comprehensive development of students' practical abilities. This article first explores the role of big data analysis in the allocation of teaching resources, pointing out its advantages in improving resource utilization efficiency and customizing personalized teaching plans. Secondly, the importance of optimizing the allocation of teaching resources in improving teaching effectiveness and meeting student needs was analyzed. Finally, combining big data analysis and optimizing the allocation of teaching resources, a path research to promote the comprehensive development of students' practical abilities is proposed, aiming to provide effective guidance for education and teaching workers and promote the continuous improvement of education and teaching quality.

  • Keyword: Big data analysis; Optimize the allocation of teaching resources; Student practical ability; Comprehensive development;
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2024090609
  • Citation form: DongHua Xu.Utilizing big data analysis to optimize the allocation of teaching resources and promote the comprehensive development of students' practical abilities[J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System,2024,Vol.7,pp.39-43


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