location:Home > 2024 Vol.7 Jun.N03 > Wireless Charger Location Optimization for WSN with Different Energy Requirements

2024 Vol.7 Jun.N03

  • Title: Wireless Charger Location Optimization for WSN with Different Energy Requirements
  • Name: Zikang Li
  • Company: School of Mechatronic Engineering and Automation, Foshan , 528225, China;
  • Abstract:

     Deploying wireless chargers to extend the life cycle of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a new and cost-effective mode. In order to maximize the sum of energy in wireless sensor networks, this paper proposed a Lagrangian dual method. The algorithm determines the placement position and number of chargers by cyclic solution. Simulation results show that the method can optimize the location of wireless charger deployment to ensure the normal work of the node.

  • Keyword: Wireless sensor networks; Wireless charging; Different needs; Location optimization
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2024090610
  • Citation form: Zikang Li .Wireless Charger Location Optimization for WSN with Different Energy Requirements[J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System,2024,Vol.7,pp.44-46

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