location:Home > 2024 Vol.7 Aug.N04 > An Algorithm for Integrating High School Mathematics Online Course Resources Based on Virtual Cluster Online Migration

2024 Vol.7 Aug.N04

  • Title: An Algorithm for Integrating High School Mathematics Online Course Resources Based on Virtual Cluster Online Migration
  • Name: tingting Qiao
  • Company: Jilin Provincial Experimental School,changchun,130021,China
  • Abstract:

    In order to realize the efficient integration of high school mathematics online course resources, a high school mathematics online course resource integration algorithm based on virtual cluster online migration is proposed. By analyzing the principle of online migration of virtual clusters, the matching rule that determines the state transition of virtual machines is determined as the migration cost of state transition; the virtual machine data mapping problem in the process of online migration is regarded as a bipartite graph matching problem, and the final scheme of online migration of virtual machine clusters is determined; the ant colony algorithm is selected as the basic algorithm, and the principle of online migration of virtual machine clusters is integrated to solve the optimal cost of the online migration scheme to realize the Efficient integration of high school mathematics online course resources. The experimental results show that the designed algorithm produces the lowest online migration cost of 0.08 and the highest resource integration time of 0.52s, which indicates that the computational method can be more flexible in adjusting the resources of high school mathematics online courses, and the efficiency of resource integration is high.

  • Keyword: virtual machine cluster; online migration; high school mathematics; curriculum resources; resource integration
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2024090806
  • Citation form: tingting Qiao.An Algorithm for Integrating High School Mathematics Online Course Resources Based on Virtual Cluster Online Migration[J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System,2024,Vol.7,pp.21-24


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