location:Home > 2024 Vol.7 Aug.N04 > Evaluation Method of Social Service Performance of Vocational Colleges in Jilin Province in the Context of Big Data

2024 Vol.7 Aug.N04

  • Title: Evaluation Method of Social Service Performance of Vocational Colleges in Jilin Province in the Context of Big Data
  • Name: Qinghua Fan, Jian Shen
  • Company: Jilin Communications Polytechnic, Changchun, 130012, China;
  • Abstract:

    Given the intricate nature of factors influencing the level of social service performance, the lack of a cohesive integration of subjective and objective evaluation outcomes often undermines the accuracy of assessments. In light of this challenge, we introduce a novel big data-driven approach to evaluate social service performance in vocational colleges in Jilin Province.To embark on this journey, we first devise the index system's structure by amalgamating the factors that impact service performance with established evaluation metrics. Subsequently, we refine and scrutinize this system to identify appropriate evaluation benchmarks. Next, we employ a combined strategy utilizing the entropy weight method and the TOPSIS model. This approach integrates the information entropy and the difference coefficient of the evaluation criteria to ascertain the weighting of the standards system.After executing an objective evaluation based on the entropy weight method and a subjective evaluation informed by expert opinions, we harness the minimum cross-entropy criterion to harmonize these two evaluation outcomes. This fusion ultimately culminates in an assessment of the social service performance of vocational colleges in Jilin Province.To validate the practical accuracy of our approach, we establish an experimental comparison framework. By visualizing and examining the outcomes, it becomes evident that the consistency coefficient of the results achieved through this evaluation methodology is notably high, signifying a superior level of evaluation precision. This, in turn, assures the reliability and effectiveness of our proposed evaluation method for vocational colleges' social service performance in Jilin Province.

  • Keyword: big data; vocational institutions; social services; performance evaluation;
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2024090808
  • Citation form: Qinghua Fan,Jian Shen.Evaluation Method of Social Service Performance of Vocational Colleges in Jilin Province in the Context of Big Data[J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System,2024,Vol.7,pp.30-34

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