location:Home > 2024 Vol.7 Aug.N04 > Analysis of the Ideological and Political Teaching Model of

2024 Vol.7 Aug.N04

  • Title: Analysis of the Ideological and Political Teaching Model of
  • Name: Ruihua Li, Hanye Liu, Fei Yang, Hui Zhang, Jiyan Lin
  • Company: (School of Information Engineering, Yulin University, Yulin, 719000)
  • Abstract:

    "Machine Learning" is one of the core courses in the era of artificial intelligence, exhibiting strong timeliness and applicability. The ideological and political education in this course is conducted from the perspectives of technological power, technological application, and professional dedication. Based on a thorough consideration of the academic situation of our university's students and the characteristics of local applied undergraduate education that emphasizes "applied" and "practical" structural settings, we incorporate the ideological and political elements of "one algorithm, one material" into the classroom teaching content from the perspective of moral education and character cultivation. This approach not only makes the monotonous and boring professional course learning more vivid, but also deepens students' understanding of the course. At the same time, it realizes a collaborative education mechanism combining knowledge teaching, ability cultivation, and ideological and political guidance.

  • Keyword: Machine Learning; One Algorithm, One Material; Ideological and Political Education in Courses
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2024090811
  • Citation form: Ruihua Li, Hanye Liu, Fei Yang, Hui Zhang, Jiyan Lin.Analysis of the Ideological and Political Teaching Model of [J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System,2024,Vol.7,pp.45-48

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