location:Home > 2019 VOL.2 Apr No.2 > Computer Intelligent Nursing Care of Critically Ill Patients Based on Improved Patient Facial Expression Recognition Method

2019 VOL.2 Apr No.2

  • Title: Computer Intelligent Nursing Care of Critically Ill Patients Based on Improved Patient Facial Expression Recognition Method
  • Name: Bella Abbey
  • Company: Stellenbosch University,Stellenbosch, South Africa
  • Abstract:

    In order to extract the expression features of critically ill patients, and realize the computer intelligent nursing, an improved facial expression recognition method is proposed based on the of active appearance model, moreover, an improved critically ill patients facial expression features extraction method is proposed based on the active appearance model and affine transformation. The algorithm is applied in the computer intelligent nursing care of critically ill patients effectively. According to the patient facial expression recognition, the support vector machine (SVM) for facial expression recognition is taken in research, and the face recognition model structure active appearance model is designed, and the attribute reduction algorithm of rough set affine transformation theory is introduced, and the invalid and redundant feature points are removed. The critically ill patient expressions are classified and recognized based on the support vector machine (SVM). The face image attitudes are adjusted, and the self adaptive performance of facial expression recognition for the critical patient attitudes is improved. New method overcomes the effect of patient attitude to the recognition rate to a certain extent. The highest average recognition rate can be increased about 7%. The intelligent monitoring and nursing care of critically ill patients are realized with the computer vision effect. The nursing quality is enhanced, and it ensures the timely treatment of rescue.

  • Keyword: Active appearance model, facial features extraction, intelligent nursing care
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2019020124
  • Citation form: Bella Abbey.Computer Intelligent Nursing Care of Critically Ill Patients Based on Improved Patient Facial Expression Recognition Method[J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System, 2019, vol. 2, pp. 67-72.

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Tsuruta Institute of Medical Information Technology
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