location:Home > 2024 Vol.7 Oct.N05 > Computer vision-based identification of machined surface defects in aluminum alloy parts

2024 Vol.7 Oct.N05

  • Title: Computer vision-based identification of machined surface defects in aluminum alloy parts
  • Name: Jingtao Xie
  • Company: School of machinery and intelligent manufacturing,Fujian Chuanzheng Communications College, fuzhou 350000,China
  • Abstract:

     Influenced by the shooting environment, when identifying surface defects of machined aluminum alloy parts, the lack of effective defect compensation usually leads to poor identification accuracy. In this regard, a method based on computer vision is proposed to identify surface defects on machined aluminum alloy parts. The camera is calibrated by Zhang's calibration method, the camera parameters are obtained, the camera's internal and external parameters are combined, the great likelihood estimation is performed to obtain more accurate distortion parameters, and the image distortion is corrected. The light loss exhibited by different luminance materials in the experimental environment is counted, and the light conditions in the image are compensated as well as equalized by introducing luminance compensation bias. ResNet50 is used to extract multi-scale features and adaptively fuse shallow image texture features and deep image semantic information with a multilayer perceptron, and a classifier is introduced to identify and detect defects. Comparative experimental results show that the algorithm has a lower false detection rate and a more ideal detection accuracy when the proposed method is used for defect detection.

  • Keyword: computer vision; aluminum alloy parts; defect detection; convolutional neural network;
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2024090120
  • Citation form: Jingtao Xie.Computer vision-based identification of machined surface defects in aluminum alloy parts[J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System,2024,Vol.7,pp.91-95

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