location:Home > 2025 Vol.8 Feb.N01 > Bim-based monitoring of shear strength of large-section rigid beam-column joints in high-speed railway station buildings

2025 Vol.8 Feb.N01

  • Title: Bim-based monitoring of shear strength of large-section rigid beam-column joints in high-speed railway station buildings
  • Name: Hao Zheng
  • Company: China Railway Construction Group co.,LTD. BeiJing 100040,China
  • Abstract:

    The accuracy and stability of equipment used to monitor the shear strength of large-section rigid beam-column joints may not meet the needs of high-precision monitoring. For this reason, a BIM-based monitoring of shear strength of large-section rigid beam-column joints in high-speed railway station is designed. Considering key factors such as the thickness of steel column wall and the thickness of the right Angle of the plate, the shear capacity of the large-section rigid beam-column joints of the high speed railway station is calculated. BIM technology is used for construction simulation, and the spatial relationship of complex joints is simulated by virtual construction. The 3D solid modeling of complex joints of steel members is carried out by Tekla Structures software. A general analytical model is proposed to estimate the shear strength in the core region of the large-section rigid beam-column joints of high speed railway stations. The experimental results show that the average value of the ratio between the calculated value and the experimental value of the peak shear stress of the design method is 1.06, and the coefficient of variation is 0.26. The average ratio between the predicted shear strength and the tested strength is 0.89, which is in good agreement.

  • Keyword: BIM; High-speed railway station house; Large cross-section; Rigid beam column; Shear strength monitoring
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2025090214
  • Citation form: Hao Zheng.Bim-based monitoring of shear strength of large-section rigid beam-column joints in high-speed railway station buildings[J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System,2025,Vol.8,pp.52-55

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