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2018 VOL.1 Feb No.1

  • Title: Research on Network Intrusion Detection Technology in Dynamic Complex Background
  • Name: Bradley Moses
  • Company: Korea National University of Arts, Korea
  • Abstract:

    With the advent of the era of Internet, network has been widely used in the production and living, but with the popularity of the Internet and use, network security problem has become the hot topic. Especially now that the network of all kinds of attack is becoming more and more difficult to prevent, conventional technology has been difficult to meet the demand of people, to prevent the current urgently need a kind of complex network intrusion detection technology, to ensure the network normal use. According to the above problems, based on the dynamic network intrusion detection under complicated background research for the subject in-depth research, under the background of dynamic complex network intrusion detection technology for detailed instructions, and detailed lists the basic train of thought and packet capture detection system model and system, etc., and then analyzing the advantage of detection system technology, the network intrusion detection system has been proved by test can fast accurate for intrusion detection, as well as corresponding prevent invasive.

  • Keyword: The network invasion; Anomaly detection; Detection technology; Network security;
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2018010118
  • Citation form: Bradley Moses.Research on Network Intrusion Detection Technology in Dynamic Complex Background[J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System, 2018, vol. 1, pp. 6-10.

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