location:Home > 2018 VOL.1 Feb No.1 > Research on Edge Detection Algorithm in Digital Image Processing

2018 VOL.1 Feb No.1

  • Title: Research on Edge Detection Algorithm in Digital Image Processing
  • Name: Ralph Kamecke
  • Company: Kwangwoon University, Korea
  • Abstract:

    Edge of the image itself has many characteristics, is one of the most basic feature of image edge detection is able to obtain the purpose of accurate edge location, the computer vision and image analysis plays a vital role. Good detection of images can also effectively inhibit the production of noise. For there are many kinds of edge detection algorithm of digital image processing method, with the upgrading of science and technology, in recent years, a new image edge detection algorithm to a variety of image edge detection algorithm for organic synthesis. Based on edge detection in digital image processing algorithms for topic conducted in-depth research, the first theoretical analysis of the classical edge detection operator and the LOG operator has carried on the key of research, and then the performance comparison of classical edge detection operator and digital image edge detection algorithm of multi-scale algorithms instructions well, analyzes the characteristics of all kinds of edge detection operator, and finally to the classification of digital image edge detection and digital image edge detection algorithm of concrete steps are expounded.

  • Keyword: Digital image processing; Edge detection; The algorithm; Research
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2018010113
  • Citation form: Ralph Kamecke.Research on Edge Detection Algorithm in Digital Image Processing[J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System, 2018, vol. 1, pp. 39-43.

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