location:Home > 2022 Vol.5 March.No1

Title:Ship re-identification algorithm based on improved metrics and attention fusion for congested waters

Author:Lv Jinwen1,2,Chen Xianqiao1*

Title:Design of online monitoring data management platform based on big data algorithm


Title:Construction of Enterprise Integrated Public Intelligent Service Management Platform Based on Big Data

Author:WANG Xin

Title:Embedded microcontroller based put box list information detection system design

Author:SU Yan

Title:Research on the evaluation system of practical Teaching Quality based on OBE concept

Author:Jun Luo, Shihua Xiao,Lei Chen

Title:Research and Practice of Curriculum System Reform in the Context of Higher Vocational Enrollment Expansion — — Taking Intelligen

Author:He Shouliang

Title:Research on the construction of higher education evaluation system from the perspective of Internet plus

Author:Lei Han

Title:Student Career Tracking System and Predictive Analytics with Decision

Author:Guo Yuxiu

Tsuruta Institute of Medical Information Technology
Address:[502,5-47-6], Tsuyama, Tsukuba, Saitama, Japan TEL:008148-28809 fax:008148-28808 Japan,Email:jpciams@hotmail.com,2019-09-16