location:Home > 2019 VOL.2 Jun No.3

Title:Intelligent storage method of intangible cultural heritage information under the background of big data era

Author:Abbott Archibald

Title:Modeling Research on Wind-induced Torsional Disturbance Effect between High-rise Buildings Based on BIM

Author:Caesar Clement

Title:Design of Automatic Monitoring System for Superconductivity Data Based on Cloud Computing

Author:Cornelius Boersch

Title:Research on Dynamic Network Load Evaluation Algorithm Based on Throughput Monitoring

Author:Crawford Odets

Title:Application of Internet of Things in Agricultural Products Processing Technology and Equipment

Author:David Emmanuel

Title:Research on the neuropsychological mechanism of fraudulent lie detection for criminal responsibility evaluation

Author:Ke Li

Title:Database Annotation Data Clustering Method Based On Semi-Supervised Learning

Author:Bingjie Liu

Title:Research On Data Retrieval Model Of Sports Achievements In Cloud Computing Environment

Author:Dan Wang

Title:Sensor network fault node assisted positioning system based on fuzzy theory

Author:Yongjie Wang

Title:Research On Autonomous Knowledge Learning Model Under Uncertain Conditions

Author:Jianlan Ren

Title:Cross-border e-commerce shopping guide big data intelligent collection method considering user demand

Author:Dick Bartholomew

Title:Design of Time-Division Acquisition Algorithm for Multi-source Heterogeneous Data

Author:Breton Alexander

Title:Automatic monitoring method for rotational efficiency of heavy-duty vehicle transmission

Author:Glenn Aldrich

Title:Study on early warning and adaptive prediction model of hypoglycemia risk in diabetic patients

Author:Shumei Liu, Hongying Liu, Wang Rui, Haichuan Dou

Title:A qualitative study on the innovation and entrepreneurship of students majoring in physical education

Author:Xiao-xiao Huang , Na Fang

Title:Ultrasonic nondestructive testing method for mechanical properties of metallic nanomaterials

Author:Jiabing Li , Xiaolei Wang , Xin Liu , Huan Li , Xinxi Wang

Title:Research on Status Quo and Countermeasures of Tibetan College Student Entrepreneurship

Author:Gao Fei

Title:How do college teachers create their own “golden class”

Author:Xiaohu Wu

Title:Research on the reform of college students’ physical education based on the concept of lifelong physical education

Author:Jun Chen, Yiting Chen

Tsuruta Institute of Medical Information Technology
Address:[502,5-47-6], Tsuyama, Tsukuba, Saitama, Japan TEL:008148-28809 fax:008148-28808 Japan,Email:jpciams@hotmail.com,2019-09-16